What is a Forged Steel Globe Valve?

24 Jun,2024

Globe valves play crucial roles in managing flow across industrial process systems. Their movable disc and seat assembly enable precise regulation along with complete flow shutoff when required. Forged steel offers an affordable valve body option for general applications while still delivering reliable performance.

Characteristics of Forged Steel Globe Valve

> Globe valves utilize a perforated disc to control the flow
> Forging realigns steel’s internal grain structure
> Forged steel is strong, durable, and cost-effective

Let’s explore what defines globe valves, the forging production process, and why plants worldwide depend on forged steel models for non-corrosive services.

How Do Globe Valves Work?

All globe valves consist of a pressurized body and an internal disc mounted on a threaded stem. As the stem turns, the disc lifts or lowers in a straight-line motion into the flow stream. An open disc allows unobstructed passage, while a closed disc seals against the body seat to completely block flow.

This straight-through, linear operation enables precise flow regulation. The amount of disc travel determines the flow rate based on the opening size. A key benefit of globe valves is their ability to throttle flow as process conditions change.

What are the benefits of forged steel globe valves?

Forging realigns steel’s internal grain structure to enhance properties[1]. The intense heating, shaping, and cooling under massive hydraulic presses produces a uniform and refined composition.


This makes forged steel well-suited for globe valve construction:

  • Strength & Toughness – The refined steel grain gives forged components excellent tensile and impact strength compared to cast and machined steel.
  • Durability – The dense, non-porous grains provide outstanding fatigue and corrosion resistance for long service life across pressure and temperature fluctuations.
  • Machinability – With uniform grain alignment rather than random orientations, forged steel machines cleanly without tool damage from hard spots.
  • Affordability – Less expensive than stainless steel or exotic alloys, forged carbon steel offers the best value for general applications not requiring extreme chemical or heat resistance.

Using forged steel for globe valve bodies and discs strikes an optimal balance of cost, machinability, and durable performance able to withstand high pressures and mechanical stresses.

What are the disadvantages of forged steel globe valves?


With all its benefits, forged steel also comes with a few limitations:

  • Corrosion Potential – Forged carbon steel contains iron and will eventually oxidize without protective coatings or corrosion inhibitors. Stainless steel lasts longer.
  • Heavier Weight – The thick, dense composition from forging increases globe valve weight substantially compared to other materials. This may matter in certain applications.
  • Temperature Limits – While quite broad, forged steel’s working temperature maxes out at around 800°F before losing strength. Some exotic alloys offer higher ratings.

For non-corrosive services not exceeding 800°F, forged steel globe valves deliver unmatched performance and value. The forging process creates ideal properties to meet demanding mechanical and pressure requirements at a relatively low cost.

Forged Steel vs. Stainless Steel Globe Valves

Here are a few differences between forged steel globe valves and stainless steel globe valves:

Corrosion Resistance

Forged carbon steel contains iron, so it will eventually oxidize and corrode without protective measures. The material lacks innate corrosion resistance compared to stainless steel alloys containing high levels of chrome and nickel. This makes stainless valves better for acids, caustics, saline solutions, or other aggressive chemicals.

Temperature Ratings

Most forged steel globe valves carry maximum temperature ratings of around 800°F before the material loses strength. Stainless steel valves can handle over 1000°F reliably. This higher heat tolerance makes stainless better for steam lines and extremely hot liquid applications.


Both forged steel and stainless steel valves can be repaired and components replaced if damaged. However, stainless steel welds are easier if body cracks develop. Stainless can be machined smoother if the seating surface becomes compromised and requires refinishing.

Initial Cost

Thanks to substantial material costs and extensive machining requirements, stainless steel globe valves carry a significantly higher initial price tag. Forged steel valves cost less upfront while still delivering reliable performance in less extreme environments.

Forged Steel Globe Valve Supplier – PANS Valves

With over 40 years serving major industrial plants globally, PANS Valves specializes in forged steel globe valves for reliable flow control. Their integrated forging, machining, assembly, and testing allow high-quality globe valves with long service life.

PANS utilizes top-grade carbon steel and precision-forged blocks to manufacture valve bodies and discs. Computerized machining forms critical seating surfaces able to maintain leak-free shutoff despite thousands of cycles. All products undergo hydraulic pressure testing well beyond rating limits before shipping.

Customers worldwide depend on PANS forged steel globe valves for affordable reliability monitoring fluids, gasses, steam and corrosive media. Their broad selection with electric or pneumatic actuation fits small lines up massive pipes.

PANS also offer specialized globe valves like three-way diverting, aseptic, cryogenic, and high pressure models meeting international standards. Their expert team provides responsive guidance to find the right solution for your application needs.


For optimum value controlling flow in non-corrosive applications below 800°F, forged steel globe valves have no equal. Contact PANS today to find long-lasting, high-performance forged steel globe valves purpose-built for your operational demands. Their unparalleled quality and customization ensure the perfect fit.


  • Is forged steel globe valve better than stainless steel globe valve?

    It depends on the application - forged carbon steel offers better value for non-corrosive services, while stainless steel resists corrosion from chemicals and performs better with extreme heat. Forged steel works well up to 800°F.

  • Why do globe valves leak?

    Globe valves can leak if the seating surfaces become damaged, preventing the disc from forming a tight seal. Particles stuck between sealing faces, chemical corrosion, wear from high-velocity fluids, or age-related seal hardening also cause leaks until surfaces are refinished or seals replaced.

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Tags: valves